Tuesday, October 16, 2007

High Anxiety

Well, I'm down ten pounds! Amazing to me that I've not totally binged in over three weeks!! I have a "girlie" doctor appointment tomorrow, and regardless of the small loss, I'm a complete wreck about having to get on the scale. I will probably eat nothing the entire day, and wish I could strip down completely before the fateful weigh-in. Why must that stupid scale cause so much anxiety? Truly, what business is it of theirs what I weigh? Any who died and left them God over my weight?

Don't lecture me -- has it not occurred to you that I already KNOW that I am fat? Has it not occurred to you that the reason I am six months over-due for my annual exam is that I hate, hate, HATE your freaking scale??? I am not a stupid person, nor am I a child. If you truly wanted to help, you would keep your trap shut! And further, the anxiety of the paper gown alone is enough to send my blood pressure into the stratosphere (not to mention the freaking scale again!)

I pray I can get through this with a modicum of mortification, and that it doesn't send me off the deep end into a self-loathing binge. HELP!

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