I feel like, at some point in my life, I must have done something to piss off the gods terribly. You know how some people can fall into a pile of dog poop and come out smelling like a rose? Well, that's NOT me!!! It seems like every time I resolve to begin an exercise program, or to start eating more healthfully, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!! Right after Ash Wednesday, my whole family came down with the lovely vomiting and diarrhea illness that has been making the rounds. Not all at the same time, mind you. But sequentially, one after the other of us fell to the virus. Nice that we weren't bowing to the porcelain god all at the same time. BUT, this little siege stretched out over the course of more than a week! (Leaving me exhausted and literally drained!)
Flash forward one week, and we have ice and snow and a total mess outside. So, I'm out schlepping snow off the sidewalks, driveway, stairs, cars, etc. etc......Next day, feel like a truck ran over me.
Flash forward to this weekend, again snow, ice, mess, mess, mess. Shovel, shovel, shovel, cuss, cuss, cuss. Not as sore this time. BUT, number one child has come down with a HORRIBLE cold. Sounds like pneumonia may be settling in her chest. Number two child is developing a runny nose and sore throat. AND, for the sixth time this school year -- ta da! -- I have another bleeping COLD! Been taking Zycam and Airborne like they are candy, trying to at least limit the damage this puppy will do to me. I don't feel horrible, but I don't feel well, either.
My point??? Every freaking time I resolve to exercise, something happens that leaves me feeling like ruddy Hell, to the point that I can't even entertain the thought of vigorous movement. What gives??? I feel like just giving up, and saying "Okay, body, you win! I will never purposely move you again!" How's that for defeatist attitude?
What do you guys do when the whole world seems to conspire against you to keep you from exercising and eating right?
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I am so glad you posted about this, because I've been having that same problem. The cold, and the illness, and then more cold and ice, and it just seems to be neverending this year.
I finally just resolved (actually, after reading one of your comments on my blog the other day) that if I want to lose weight I'm just going to have to make do with the resources I have in the house, at least until it stops being so awful outside. So I'm just working out however I can, dancing, workout videos, cleaning the house extra hard, walking fast in the hallways at work. I figure until winter over anything I can do to at least keep my body feeling flexible and painfree is good enough for now.
Great post, and I'm glad other people are struggling with the same things.
So much on the mark for me in my present moment. I had something of the same coming down on me along the "All hell breaks loose" lines and I think all we can do is take a loooooong breath and say silently to ourselves: "and this will also pass ..." .... and it WILL so am SOOO much looking forward to that moment as am STILL in the middle of it and when I was on my evening walk last night (after a hellish day Sunday being our first work day of the week in the Middle East) with all those nasty INCESSANT thoughts circling over and over in my mind every now and then managed to take a pause and say this mantra: "AND this WILL aso pass ...". Very soon it will be a memory about nothing at all and in a year's time I will not even think about it any more. So I am writing this in the early morning just before work. Have to go and dress now, but I think you have helped me set a mantra for my day. Thanks Nori for a witty and inspirational posting! ar :>)
Thanks for all of your support Nory. Hope things are getting better for you and looking forward to your next posting, when you are ready for it. Wishing you the best of all and strength of the mountains. ar :>)
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