Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The latest and greatest....

So. I'm still sick. Not just with pink eye. Now I've got tonsillitis. Can barely swallow, and the whole thing is completely covered with a layer of pus! Yech! So, there's also suspected strep at work here. Won't know that until tomorrow. But at least now I have an antibiotic to start helping me fight this junk! If this isn't significantly better by Thursday morning, I've got to go to an ENT guy to find out what the NEXT step is in this odyssey that's become my life. HELP!


Bea said...

Good grief you must be miserable.

For the throat.
1 T honey
1 T lemon juice
1 T whiskey
1/2 tsp salt
Mix in strong cup of tea. Enjoy as needed.

For the eye.
1/2 cup sterile water. (Or boil tap water and then chill it.)
1 tsp honey
Mix and irrigate the eye using a sterile syringe or eye dropper. The honey is soothing and has anti-bacterial properties.

Tell family you are contagious, and go to bed.

Hope the antibiotic works fast. Hugs.

Cath said...

Hope you are feeling better. And I would add to Bea's suggestions - brandy. Lots of it. In tea, or on its own.

Akita inu said...

I pray for your health.
May your ailment ebb away soon.