Sunday, June 22, 2008

Diet Power!!!

I just downloaded a two week trial package from Diet and have watched all of the tutorials and logged my foods for today. It also allowed me to log my intended foods for tomorrow as well as my exercise. What a powerful tool! It minds not only your input, but your output, your water intake, your nutrient quotient, and calorie deficit/excess for each day. Seems like a lot of work, but could become pretty routine over time. I'm not sure I want to buy the program yet, but I plan to utilize the tool over the next two weeks to see how difficult it is to use. I also want to watch what it has to say about my nutrition. It will be interesting to see what is has to say about my weight loss goals (and how long it may take me to reach them).

I think this program may be a good tool to keep me accountable for what I plan to eat, and then what I actually consume. Sort of like O/A?

It's getting pretty late, so I'd better turn in for the night. After all, sleep is a very important component in this whole equation.

1 comment:

Bea said...

Hi, I'm supposed to be packing as we are leaving tomorrow, but I'm reading instead. Tres interesting info. here. Okay now I am going to pack. Bye