Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tag! I'm it!

This came from Mighty Minx:

5 things found in your bag:

  1. Way, way, WAY too many store "bonus cards". Why can't they just give everyone the same break, and not continually spy on all of my purchases? I have a separate credit card carrier just for those stupid cards!

  2. My small two-year date book. My entire life is in this little book. If I lose it, I will have NO idea when the kids' next dental appointments are, or mine, for that matter.

  3. Gum. Gotta have it! Especially now that I am really trying to watch what I eat. If I have a stick of nice minty gum in my mouth, it makes a Coke Slurpee (also known as liquid crack) seem unpalatable.

  4. My checkbook. I know this is irrational, but there have been three occasions when I was at the grocery store, and a thunderstorm knocked out the credit card system. The only way I could get out of the store with my items was by paying with a check. I should just take ONE check with me instead of the whole book, but then I forget about it, and wonder why a check is missing from my statement. Which sends me into a panic until I remember that it's in my wallet in case of emergency.

  5. Pens -- notice the plural. It never fails that I will need a pen at a meeting, and not have one. Then I have to borrow one from someone else, and then remember to give it back. So now I have become the pen lady that everyone else borrows from. I usually have several "swag" pens from any number of functions that I would not mind losing, as they cost me nothing. (But the time I spent at whatever function I got the pen at in the first place.)

5 favorite things in your room (bedroom):

  1. My TempurPedic Mattress. That thing feels like a brick when you first lay down on it, but after about five minutes, it warms up and you sink into it like a custom-made foam cushion.

  2. My computer. It sometimes seems like it has become indispensable. DSL was a revelation to me about a year ago, and I never wanna go back to dial-up again!

  3. Two pictures of wild birds that my mother quilled for me. Quilling is a very old paper craft that involves thin pieces of paper that are twirled and glued together to form flowers and other artsy things. My mother is a very talented artist, and I've got her work in every room of my house. Wild birds are her favorite subject.

  4. My jewelry collection. My aunt is a jewelry artist, and she has allowed me to pick a number of items that I wanted from her collection. Her stuff is not terribly expensive, mostly done in sterling silver, but every piece is original. She rarely makes the same design twice, and even then, things turn out very differently due to the nature of the stones she uses. There are always differences in the size, shape and color of the quartz, obsidian, or turquoise she uses. I like the organic feel of the stones.

  5. My blow dryer. If you have naturally curly hair like me -- 'nuf said!

5 things I have always wanted to do:

  1. Go to med. school. I think I would make a fantastic doctor. Or I would have fifty years ago, before the government and the insurance companies screwed up the profession and made it about billing and coding, and profitability and not patients.

  2. Publish something that would help other people to live their lives in a way that would help them find meaning and purpose.

  3. Go to Paris and not have to worry about every penny.

  4. Be able to draw or paint something which looks extremely life-like. I love the old masters whose portraits appear to be photographs.

  5. Lose enough of my excess weight that my BMI would fall into the normal range and then maintain it for the rest of my life.

5 things I am currently into:

  1. Reading, reading, reading.

  2. Swimming.

  3. Dieting -- Diet Power rules!

  4. Staying cool!

  5. Spending quality time with my kids.

5 People I want to tag:

  1. Pats

  2. Renee

  3. Lynn

  4. Frances

  5. Kathleen

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